Claudia Faniello, a surprising 29, will be "Breathlessly" interviewing in Kiev saying how proud she is to be representing her country with a mid range ballard. It's here
The lady with the pocketful of glitter returns. Ira Losco last seen coming second in 2002 no less is back with "Walk on Water", which is the second choice the ever-hopeful nation has come up with. You decide if it's a likely finalist here
Amber is one of two females performing a song called "Warrior" in 2015. This one is the worst of the two & it's here
Firelight are a family group singing "Coming Home" in 2014, which is pleasing enough in the comforting Med island point of view. It's here
A chirpy GP by the name of Gianluca has an attractive little ditty called "Tomorrow" on his hands in 2013. I am hopeful for his chances as he seems a lovely young man. Learn about him here
Curt Calleja is the latest Maltese lamb to the slaughter with more forced jollity called "This is my night". I doubt it, but make your own mind up here
A bloke gets a chance for Malta in 2011. Well, when I say bloke, it's actually Glen Vella singing "One Life". Glen appears to be one of those manically happy kids party type of guys which is always a slightly off putting experience. Still, happy video which can be viewed here
Sticking with the ballards we've come to love to dismiss, Malta in 2010 have chosen Thea Garrett with "My Dream". I think Thea's dream would be to meet a billionaire called Arthur, but you can decide here

The Tourist Guide says

"In Malta, you'll explore 7000 years of history yet live passionately in the present. You'll span the millennia with an astonishing array of things to discover. And wherever you go, the Islands' scenery and architecture provide a spectacular backdrop. The colours are striking. Honey-coloured stone against the deepest of Mediterranean blues".



"The Fortress City, Citta' Umilissima, "a city built by gentlemen for gentlemen". Valletta has many titles, all recalling its rich historical past. It is the "modern" city built by the Knights of St John; a masterpiece of the baroque; a European Art City; and a World Heritage City. But these are just some of its faces and fortunes.
Valletta is also Malta's capital city: a living, working city, the administrative and commercial heart of the Islands. Nowhere in Malta is the life of the Islands reflected more than here. The city is busy by day, yet retains a timeless atmosphere. The grid of narrow streets house some of Europe's finest art works, churches and palaces.

The Shortest Kilometre in the World

Punches were thrown and there were some moments of panic for revellers at a Paceville outlet soon after the new year had begun after many revellers missed their coats.
The venue in question is a big one where thousands of revellers had welcomed the new year in.
Soon after the new year had been rung in, as people made a move to go home or somewhere else, there were far to many people for the cloakroom attendants to cope with. As a result, it seems that many made off with coats and jackets which did not belong to them.
It was when the whole cloakroom looked bare of coats and there were people still asking for their outer garments that people realised their coats had been taken by someone else. This was when tempers quite understandably flared up and some people, some the worse for their drinking, became quite aggressive, in the words of people who were present.

to come

A man employed as a road marker for Valletta council was reprimanded today for shirking his duties. It is reported that after a heavy lunch, Stelios Ingredios "cut some corners" during his afternoon shift.

Tony Drago


Edward de Bono


Life expectancy

75.78 men 80.96 women
Airports 1
Radios 669 per 1,000 people
Internet Users 388.5 per 10,000 people
Railway Network None
Death Penalty laws provide for the death penalty only for exceptional crimes such as crimes under military law or crimes committed in exceptional circumstances such as wartime (last execution 1943)