On this page you can see my predictions for
the final 2008, and it appears it's a 5 horse race. This year I didn't
really have the time nor inclination to look at this in any great depth
so have instead brought my inconsiderable guesswork into play to come
up with the following. I have to say it looks Ok to me. So if I'm correct
only the Swedes are standing in the way of another East sojourn. Come
on you Swedes. |
1 Sweden | 2 Russia | 3 Turkey |
4 Ukraine | 5 Serbia | 6 Greece |
7 Armenia | 8 Bosnia | 9 Romania |
10 Portugal | 11 Spain | 12 Iceland |
13 Norway | 14 Finland | 15 Albania |
16 Israel | 17 UK | 18 Poland |
19 France | 20 Croatia | 21 Latvia |
22 Georgia | 23 Azerbaijan | 24 Denmark |
25 Germany |