Elvir Lakovic (Laka) is one of Bosnian most eccentric
contemporary artists. Laka won over the people of Bosnia with his originality
and lack of pretentiousness.
He was born in Gorazde, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He attended a Lower School
of Music there studying guitar, but he avoided the 'solfeggio' and never
followed the correct programme, as he preferred to play songs he liked
The beginning of Laka's career is concentrated on a guitar bought for
him by his father in his first year at Music Primary School. At secondary
school he and some friends formed a rock band called 'Deformacija poreza'
while he played folk music in the cafes of Gorazde for money. With his
group he competed at local festivals, and in 1999 their song Razocaro
won second place, and the Bosnian State Television gave him an offer of
recording as soon as he gained great success. The following year the new
single Vještica just confirmed his popularity further.
Laka recorded his first song Malo sam se razocar'o (I'm a little bit
disappointed) in 1998. This song launched his showbiz career nationally,
and every year he released a new song, among which were Vještica
(Witch), Moro (Nightmare) and Piškila (You did a wee).
In 2004, Laka left for New York, where he tried to start a band, ending
up working as a waiter, and returned to Bosnia disappointed after two-and-a-half
years and released his first album Zec (Rabbit) in 2007.
Elvir Lakovic Laka won over the people of Bosnia with his originality
and lack of pretentiousness. He is said to be a singer of great feeling
for new and different things.
Laka's entry is believed to be in sharp contrast to the Bosnian entries
of late, which include ethno ballads and schlager pop. Laka describes
the selection process: "When they told me to sign on, maybe I had
a little hope to be the next representative. But, knowing what kind of
songs succeed there, I did not have much hope. The song also is the same
style of mine because I did not want to give up on my style and sing some
ballad with lyrics like 'river of tears' or 'you left, and I'm crying.
And it looks like they've decided to "break" that concept of
songs that go to Eurovision. Every year there are inovations, which means
that nothing is excluded.The news that I was selected came when I was
in the middle of hand-washing some socks when the phone rang. They said,
'you're through,' and I said 'through what?' and they responded 'to Eurovision!'
At the first I told Dejan Kukric (Bosnian head of delegation), "Dejan,
I do not want to do what I have not done before. And I can't work with
people I have not worked before. I am not going to pretend, or dress like
I have not thus far." He said, "OK. If you win the selection,
that's how it'll be." So, with me, there will be no pretending or
changes. The clothes may be suitable for that occasion, but in my way.
Yes, I buy my clothes in second-hand storesand will in the future.
What I asked next is will I bring my own food or will there be food there,
and they said everything will be there and not to worry. They said everything
is organized and planned out, and I expressed my desire to split a roasted
lamb head with Estonia. But nothing will probably come out of that because
everything has to be on a certain level. I can't even eat beans because
there is no eating bean stew on such a level. If political interests are
turned towards Bosnia and Herzegovina, maybe I'll win, but I think the
winner will be some country with some kind of problem," concluded
Laka. |