What do I think of this?

This is the song that has got the fans wirnging out their undercrackers. If it's moody you're after then park your bus next to Patricia's banged up Twingo. Surly Patricia Kaas will be communicating how desperate her love life is to us all in that chanteuse way the French have trademarked (although they needn't have bothered). They've plumped for a cyrillic background to show the song's content, although I don't need it in English to realise the song is about lost love, disappointing men, and ineffective personal hygiene products (well maybe not the last one). Honestly this isn't at all bad, and may present France with their best result in seven years.
KPI's - Dark, doom laden, cold


Patricia Kaas began singing at just eight years old and has never stopped singing since. Her charm and charisma have made her one of the top 10 French personalities for over 20 years now.

Thanks to her strong presence, personality and voice , Patricia Kaas is one the most popular French singers and an ambassador of the French culture well beyond France's borders. She has sold over 16 million albums worldwide to date.

She has toured in more than 47 countries, performing in front of millions of people all over Europe and also as far afield as the USA, Middle East, China and all of Asia.

In December 2008, Patricia received two of the most prestigious Russian music prizes for her contribution as a bridge between the two cultures of French and Russian.

S'il fallait le faire

S'il fallait le faire, j'arrêterais la terre
J'éteindrais la lumière, que tu restes endormi
S'il fallait pour te plaire t'écouter chaque nuit
Quand tu parles d'amour, j'en parlerais aussi

Que tu regardes encore dans le fond de mes yeux
Que tu y vois encore le plus grand des grands feux
Et que ta main se colle sur ma peau, où elle veut
Un jour si tu t'envoles, je suivrais, si je peux

Et s'il fallait le faire, je repousserais l'hiver
A grands coups de printemps et de longs matins clairs
S'il fallait pour te plaire, j'arrêterais le temps
Que tous tes mots d'hier restent à moi maintenant

Que je regarde encore dans le bleu de tes yeux
Que tes deux mains encore se perdent dans mes cheveux
Je ferai tout plus grand et si c'est trop ou peu
J'aurais tort tout le temps, si c'est ça que tu veux

Je veux bien tout donner, si seul'ment tu y crois
Mon cœur veut bien saigner, si seul'ment tu le vois
Jusqu'à n'être plus rien que l'ombre de tes nuits
Jusqu'à n'être plus rien qu'une ombre qui te suit

Et s'il fallait le faire

And if it had to be done

If it had to be done, I would stop the earth
I would turn off the light so you stay asleep
If it had to be done to please you, listening to you every night When you speak of love, I would speak of it too

So you still look into the depth of my eyes
So you still see in there the biggest of the big fires
And so your hand clings to my skin where it wants to
If you fly away one day, I would follow if I could

And if it had to be done, I would repel the winter
With hard blows of springtime and long clear mornings
If it had to be done to please you, I would stop the time
So all your words of yesterday stay with me now

So I still look into the blue of your eyes
So your two hands still get lost in my hair
I will make everything bigger and if it's too much or too little I would be wrong all the time, if that's what you want

I do want to give everything, if only you believe in it
My heart does want to bleed, if only you see it
Until being nothing more but the shadow of your nights
Until being nothing more but a shadow that follows you

And if it had to be done