"...twice wins the annual radio-prime "The Golden Gramophone" (the song "Wanted the fiancé)"

Andrei was born on October 02, 1973 in city of Poltava. In the year 1990 begins professional activity and creates the brightest of his characters - Verka Serduchka.

The next year on the 1st of April at the "Yumorina" festival in Poltava (native city of the artist) for the first time Verka Serdiuchka was performed. Afterwards departed in his first tour along Stavropol region (Russian Federation).
In 1993 Danylko gets his first prize for the best actor work in his item "Train-stewardess" ("Provodnitsa") at "Kursk anomaly" contest ("Kurskaya anomaliya") in city of Kursk and becomes laureate of "Vsesmikh-93" contest in Kyiv city.

March 1995 the international festival "A Sea of Laugh" at which Andrii gets grand-prix as a performer. The same year Danylko enters entertainment-circus school at the department of verbal idiomatic genre.

In 1996 fruitful cooperation with the leading producer center of Ukraine "Nova Management" (general producer - Yurii Nikitin) begins which continues till today.

In 1997 Andrii in image of Verka Serduchka records new song - "Just Vera" ("Prosto Vera"). The artist is actively filming in the advertising. One of the leading Ukrainian television channels "Studio 1+1" invited the artist to lead the entertainment show "SV-show". Later Russian television channel RTR began to broadcast this successful television project in Russian.

1999 - Danylko starts his triumphal march over Russian cities gathering several thousand strong halls. Autumn 2000 Andrii becomes a holder of Cup named after Arkadii Raykin on "Yurmala Cup" festival. At Yumorina which took place in April 2001 in Odessa city Andrii Danylko gets the special prize "The Golden Chair" ("Zolotoy stul").

2002 - Andrii Danylko and his created theatre presents the program "I am the revolution" in CIS and Baltic states. 2003 - the all-Russian concert tour "Only the hits" over the states of CIS. During this period Danylko's theatre visited 112 cities of Russian and 30 cities of Ukraine.

2003 - Andrii Danylko twice wins the annual radio-prime "The Golden Gramophone" (the songs "Wanted the fiancé", "Zhenikha hotela" and "Chita Drita"). In the same year, in June, Danylko receives the title of the Distinguished Artist of Ukraine. In the end of the year the artist is rewarded by "The Diamond disc" because the well-known album "Kha-ra-sho!" was sold by the record issue over 500 000 copies in Ukraine and over 1 million copies in CIS states.

2004 - the most prestige prize in field of pop music "Mus-TV" (the best year album - "Kha-ra-sho!"). January 2004 - Andrii Danylko's theatre departs in the grandiose tour over the USA and Canada. In New-York ("Millennium" theatre) 6 sole concerts of Ukrainian actor take place. In general Danylko's theatre visited over 20 cities. 2005 - album "Chita-Drita" appears which is sold by the issue over 500000 copies.

2006 - album "Tralli-Valli" appears. As for today the album is sold by issue of 150 thousand copies. During many years of Andrii Danylko's creative work the image of Verka Serduchka is not exhausted but on the contrary have only become more perfect, amusing and vivid.

The Singer
I've been having a look back over the anals of Eurovision history to see if anything has quite matched Verka Serduchka for instilling such overwhelming feelings of distress. OK, so Poier & Horn were whacko's, Dion & May were sincere to the point of insanity, Voutailenan was a serial killer in disguise etc, but nothing can quite match Ms Serduchka for peculiarity.
Verka, an aging buxom lady is the nom de plume of Sergei Danilov, himself a well respected singer when he doesn't have the stringbacks on. "Russia goodbye", "Ukraine hello".

The Past
From the ridiculous to the sublime. Ukraine first entered the contest only four years back, when they sent a falsetto warbling peculiarity of a bloke called Alexander who belted out a shocking song standing next to a bright blue rotating groin. He got more points than him and the codpiece deserved, but the following year Ukraine made up for it. In what will be looked back on as the occasion Eurosong stepped up the pace, the performance of Ruslana blew Istanbul away. "Wild Dances" is now the goal to aim for in terms of nonsensical lyrics, toothy grins, costume, and most of all performance. The EBU have much to thank Ukraine for already, especially follwoing the red army pin-up Tina, whose assets bounced through Athens in great style.

The Song
Mr Danilov's character is the embodiment of that Auntie you didn't want to see at Christmas when you were growing up, as you knew your small face would be consumed by that lippied-up maw with a smacker that caused shockwaves that broke a pane of glass in your dad's greenhouse. Anyway I digress.
Verka is a jovial old cove though, and she stamps her feet repeatedly, jabs her fingers in the air repeatedly, and…that's about it. She doesn't have much else to go on, as "Danzing" is truly one of the most repetitive Eurovision songs ever. Massiel has got competition. You know your in trouble when the lyrics go "1,2,3".


So is there a summary to this song's chances? As Grossman once said "let's look at the evidence"...
Pros: It's on before the UK, it's brash, it raises a smile, it offends the Russians, she's a regional megastar.
Cons: It's a minute of kid's music stretched to 3, it's as original as a free newspaper service in London, it's as classy as can of Skol in a kebab house.
Make up your own mind. My mind is made up. It's a comedy shite, and it's coming to be trod into a carpet near you.

In a Nutshell
"Verking on the insane"

the philosopher says

Übermensch German term for "Overman" or "Superman." Hence, in the philosophy of Nietzsche, an extraordinary individual who transcends the limits of traditional morality to live purely by the will to power. For an example, please refer to images above.

Danzing (lasha tumbai)

Hello everybody!
My name is Verka Serduchka
nicht verstehen!
Let’s speak DANCE!

Sieben, Sieben
Ai lyu lyu
Sieben, Sieben
ein, zwei
Sieben, Sieben
Ai lyu lyu
ein, zwei, drei

Sieben, Sieben
Ai lyu lyu
Sieben, Sieben
ein, zwei
Sieben, Sieben
Ai lyu lyu
ein, zwei, drei


Weiter, weiter!

Ich liebe!

Sieben, Sieben
Ai lyu lyu
Sieben, Sieben
ein, zwei
Sieben, Sieben
Ai lyu lyu
ein, zwei, drei

Sieben, Sieben
Ai lyu lyu
Sieben, Sieben
ein, zwei
Sieben, Sieben
Ai lyu lyu
Nu ein, zwei, drei


I want to see
Aha... To dance or not to dance
I want to see
Aha... It’s not a question
I want to see
Aha... Don’t live to dance
I want to see
Dance to live
I love you

I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see


????????? ??????!

I want to see
Aha... To dance or not to dance
I want to see
Aha... It’s not a question
I want to see
Aha... Don’t live to dance
I want to see
Dance to live
I love you

I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see


??????? – ?? ??????!
??????? – ?? ???????!
?????? ??????!

Ok! Happy end.

Dancing (lasha tumbai)

Hello everybody!
My name is Verka Serduchka
Don’t understand!
Let’s speak DANCE!

Seven, Seven
Ai lyu lyu
Seven, Seven
one, two
Seven, Seven
Ai lyu lyu
one, two, three

Seven, Seven
Ai lyu lyu
Seven, Seven
one, two
Seven, Seven
Ai lyu lyu
one, two, three


Further, further!

I love you!

Seven, Seven
Ai lyu lyu
Seven, Seven
one, two
Seven, Seven
Ai lyu lyu
one, two, three

Seven, Seven
Ai lyu lyu
Seven, Seven
one, two
Seven, Seven
Ai lyu lyu
one, two, three


I want to see
Aha... To dance or not to dance
I want to see
Aha... It’s not a question
I want to see
Aha... Don’t live to dance
I want to see
Dance to live
I love you

I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see


It’s good to dance!

I want to see
Aha... To dance or not to dance
I want to see
Aha... It’s not a question
I want to see
Aha... Don’t live to dance
I want to see
Dance to live
I love you

I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see
Lasha tumbai
I want to see


Ukraine – that’s cool?!
Ukraine – that’s reat?!
The square is dancing!

Ok! Happy end

Is she Su Pollard who learnt all she knows about singing from Paul Shane
or is it Verka who made the right choice not to call Paul back.
Prediction Semi Final -
Final 1st