Natalie Powers
Born: July 26th, 1977 in Birmingham
Lives: In Buckingham with friends
Nicknames: Nat's Pee, Austin
Best 'Bit': Her well-toned six-pack
Fact:Natalie's dream date is Will Smith, although she would love to share
a character breakfast at Disneyworld, Florida… With Pluto!
Fact: Her motto is 'Always be happy, because you only live once.' (not
then, a Buddhist)
Everyone tells me I'm like a bottle of pop. I'm very bubbly, friendly
and quite mad, I suppose! I've been like this ever since I was a kid.
I started singing and dancing since I was seven and appeared in the national
tour of Annie, playing the youngest orphan. I didn't go to drama school
or anything, but was so into performing that I moved from Sutton Coldfield
to the Arts Educational School in Chiswick. Since then I've had all kinds
of jobs - some of them a million miles away from the stage! I lasted at
McDonalds for about four weeks, did a stint as a receptionist in a hair
salon and even worked as a model for an art class for a while. (And no,
I wasn't nude!). But it was starring on the West End stage in Tommy (understudying
Kim Wilde) and in Starlight Express that I was really in my element.
David John Louis Ducasse (pronounced "Duck
Born: November 3rd, 1978 in South Shields
Lives: In Surrey with Russ
Nicknames: Mr D, Dididoodi
Best Bit: His feet
Fact: David's great, great, great, great grandfather invented the first
Fact: He's well into playing bingo and his dream would be to team up with
fellow bingo addict Jo S Club and star in a bingo ad!
O.K, so I can be moody and keep myself to myself at times, and completely
lairy minutes later, but that's because I'm a true Scorpio, which also
means I'm very honest, trustworthy, opinionated and good for a laugh.
I didn't go to drama school like the others. I did go to drama classes
on Saturday mornings and then managed to land myself a role as one of
the regular extras in three series of Byker Grove, which was brilliant.
In one episode, we were all supposed to be doing the Great North Run,
so they made me dress up in a Ninja Turtle outfit which looked sooo ridiculous!
I've had a few jobs since then. Besides dressing up as Walkers Man and
handing out packets of Walkers crisps in shopping centres, I've also been
in two bands and worked as part of the Butlin's in house entertainment
team, the Crazy Crew, in Ayr for three summers. I had the time of my life!
Caroline Emily Barnes
Born: April 15th, 1979 in Leeds
Lives: In Purley with a girlfriend
Nicknames: Ronseal, Peter Purves, Jonathon (all from Russ!)
Fact: Caroline once ran straight through a closed patio door. As embarrassing
moments go, that ain't bad!
When people meet me for the first time, they never know how to make me
out because I don't give too much away.. My family lived in Leeds until
I was nine, which is when we all moved to Spain. Living on the Costa Del
Sol was great and I'd go to this little ballet school at weekends. When
I was 13 my mum brought me back to the UK, to Devon, where I went to dance
school full-time, I met Russ when I started at Lane Theatre Arts College
and we instantly hit it off. While at college I started doing bits of
modelling, including starring in an advert for Calvin Klein underwear
for the USA.
Russell Spencer
Born: March 1st, 1980 in Bournemouth
Born: In Surrey with David
Best Bit: His nose
Fact: If Russ ever met his idol George Michael, he'd ask for his autograph…
for his mum!
Fact: Russ is way into Britney Spears and Donna Air, but olives, anchovies
and, erm; rats don't float his boat at all!
It's true, I'm always smiling and happy - and I couldn't be happier than
I am now, being part of SCOOCH. As a kid I was always very shy, so my
mum sent me to drama classes to build my confidence. Before long, the
headmistress had me singing in all the school shows and I even landed
a few modelling jobs for Kays catalogue and Clark's shoes, which really
impressed my mates! I guess I've always wanted to entertain, even since
I appeared on Brian Conley's TV talent show. My mum's still got it on
video and it's hysterical! I was a real showbiz kid and earned myself
a bit of pocket money singing at weddings and the like. Being in SCOOCH
gives me a real buzz. My dream is to get on the road and perform in front
of hundreds of screaming girls. |