What do I think of this?

Well even I'm a bit bamboozled by Peter Nalitch and his friends for Russia. It's deeply affecting this one..but affecting in a way that makes you want to grab a sharp garden implement and go at random strangers. Nalitch has a voice as wet as Twilight Moms being bitten in the neck. It's a sound whose natural habitat seems to be in the lowland Steppes which Putin should think of annexing forthwith with potassium flares. Peter appears to be resolutely disappointed with life, and has a real depressive falsetto whine to assail us with. He comes prepared for the oncoming wind storm by sporting a fine silk scarf. But even this doesn't lighten his doom laden mood.
Poor Peter has lost out in love, and at one point we'll see him seamlessly producing the full range of notes from A to F simply in the sentence "I'm looking at a photo", before being advised to "drop them into the fire" by a nameless scary voice backstage. Disturbing, if when the aforementioned photo looks suspiciously just like a photo-fit.
Written off by many, this is the Great Russian Bear, so if anyone can turn common sense and musical justice on it's head, it's the Red Army. So I reckon this will make it from Semi 1, and do far better than most people are hoping for.

KPI's - Depression, Eyebrows, Howling, Pyromania, Screeching


This year Russia picked an artist who became famous over night on YouTube to represent them. It's Peter Nalitch with Yura Kostenko, Sergey Sokolov, Kostya Shvetsov, Dima Simonov and Denis Marinkin who will take the stage in Oslo with a new style of music, called Jolly Babury.

Peter Nalitch has become famous after he published a music video on YouTube which he made himself for the song Guitar. In about a month after he did it, 70,000 persons had already watched it. The Russian users of LiveJournal were sending each other the link to the song and the number of views was increasing by thousand every day. That brought him into fame all over Russia.

After his first very popular concert, Peter gathered a grouped of musicians with whom he gave two more concerts in the winter of 2008 and took the name MKPN.
In the following summer they went to support the Russian sport teams at the UEFA European Cup and the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing. That was followed by releasing an album and also the DVD of their Moscow concerts, making them established artists.

Lost and Forgotten

Would you believe, Lord of Mercy?
Would you be so... Lord, Lord?
I wanna love her now
And I wanna feel that now with all...
All of those kisses and sweet embraces

Here am I, lost and forgotten
For this cruel, cruel time
When I'm first time in love
(Now that is why)
Now that is why I say Lord of Mercy
And I hope now that you hear me
Oh yeah...

(What are you doing man?)
I'm looking at her photos
What should I do with them?
(Drop them into the fire)
Oh, yes, yes, I gonna burn 'em now
'Cause I have to forget her now with all...
All of those kisses and sweet embraces

Here am I, lost and forgotten
For this cruel, cruel time
When I'm first time in love
(Now that is why)
Now that is why I say Lord of Mercy
And I hope now that you hear me

(Here am I, lost and forgotten)
(For this cruel, cruel time)
(First time in love)
(Now that is why)
Now that is why I say Lord of Mercy
And I hope now that you hear me
Oh, bring her back to me

Is it Peter Nalitch who has confused a detached manner with being appealing
Or is it Jean Paul Belmondo who managed both