year old Karate Kid Chris is something of an all-rounder. He sings, has
a black belt in karate, is a musician and a self-defence instructor. Now
that is an impressive list of achievements.
A full time performer, Chris started playing the piano aged 6 and it
wasn't until he turned 16 that he opened his mouth and let his lungs run
riot. Presently, he plays all the local pubs and clubs as part of a two
piece group. He also does security for a local niteclub. You definitely
do not want to mess with this fella.
Chris is a fourth degree black belt in Karate and also teaches Kick Boxing.
He has won eight All-Ireland medals and countless competitions. His Jackie
Chan reputation is known the length and breadth of Ireland.
Every Thursday Chris gives self-defence lessons to schoolgirls, these
lucky ladies are thrown every which way by Chris and are shown how to
beat the lard out of any would be attackers. This Charlie's Angels style
setup must be torture for poor Chris.
The ever busy Chris has recently recorded an album which he wrote and
arranged himself. Chris' music idol is the King of all things cheesy,
Mr. Elvis Presley. We'll let him away with that one.
The eagle eyed among you will recognise Chris from his stint on The Lyrics
Board a few weeks ago. Being a huge Elvis fan he performed "I never
want to fall in Love" and went down a storm. What most of you don't
know is that Chris was performing with a sprained ankle. While rehearsing
in RTE before the show he fell down the studio stairs. Being the toughie
that he is he soldiered on and gave a rousing performance.
Health conscious Chris doesn't drink or smoke. It's tough being Superman!!
When not being a Superhero, Chris likes playing with his toys. (i.e.)
cars. Any chance he gets he's tinkering away with his dinkies. His mum
is a bit worried that he hasn't really left his childhood behind.
TOP TIP ALERT: Chris has asked us to let all the laaadies know that he
is free, single, available and willing. And has no problem going out with
fans!! Form an orderly queue girls….
Chris was in complete shock when he got picked as Louis wildcard. Since
then he has been harassed by fans, press, TV and radio. The night he got
through Chris hit the town and went to his local niteclub but had to leave
an hour later. People kept shaking his hand and congratulating him, so
much so that his hand nearly fell off and he lost his voice. |