My Gallileo
I'm not a stay-at-home, and heady
Is the quest and venture mode
Road is there for me to tread it
All-dimensional road
Round I go
Desperate to reach new horizons
Circles grow
But you...
You're the pier
Center in my life
My Galileo
I rotate to you, I'm here
Wind is high and branches rattle
On the shattered window pane
And the dust has not yet settled
I'm leaving again
Round I go
Desperate to reach new horizons
Circles grow
But you...
You're the pier
Center in my life
My Galileo
I rotate to you, I'm here
I'm here again
My Galileo...
You're the pier
Center in my life
My Galileo
I rotate to you, I'm here
I'm here again
I'm here again |
My Gallileo
I'm not a stay-at-home, and heady
Is the quest and venture mode
Road is there for me to tread it
All-dimensional road
Round I go
Desperate to reach new horizons
Circles grow
But you...
You're the pier
Center in my life
My Galileo
I rotate to you, I'm here
Wind is high and branches rattle
On the shattered window pane
And the dust has not yet settled
I'm leaving again
Round I go
Desperate to reach new horizons
Circles grow
But you...
You're the pier
Center in my life
My Galileo
I rotate to you, I'm here
I'm here again
My Galileo...
You're the pier
Center in my life
My Galileo
I rotate to you, I'm here
I'm here again
I'm here again